Thursday, 26 January 2012


Quantum noise appears as grain on CR images. Quantum noise is a direct result of the exposure factors used and scatter radiation (Compton Effect). There is a distinct difference between film-screen and CR radiographic receptors with respect to quantum noise.  Noise level in film-screen radiography is determined by the design characteristics of the intensifying screens and film used (speed). When using a film-screen receptor the exposure must be set to match the sensitivity of the receptor or the results will be either and underexposed (light film) or overexposed (dark film) image.  The noise level can only be changed by changing the receptor, typically by changing the film to one with a different sensitivity (speed).

CR radiographic receptors do not have a fixed sensitivity like film-screen receptors.  One of the valuable characteristics of CR is a wide exposure dynamic range as illustrated below.  This means that images with good contrast characteristics can be produced over a wide range of exposure values.  It is not like conventional radiography where any deviation from the correct exposure results in under or over exposed films.

There are definite advantages of this wide dynamic exposure range; exposure errors do not result in a loss of contrast as with film. Also, the ability to capture the full range of exposure (increased grayscale) from anatomy with large variations in density such as the lumbar spine and chest produces an image with more diagnostic information. When the full dynamic range is captured, digital processing is used to enhance and optimize the contrast.  This is the normal procedure in CR imaging.

Excessive quantum noise (image grain) is a potential factor in CR because it is possible to produce images with improper exposures and/or high levels of scatter radiation that will look adequate as far as contrast (window and level) is concerned, but will be quite grainy in appearance.  This condition is illustrated in the phantom lumbar spine/pelvis images below.  

In CR radiography it is important to use proper exposure factors and to collimate to the region of interest (ROI) for each projection.  Posterior lead masking for lateral spines is especially beneficial to CR image quality. An optimum exposure is one that produces an image with an acceptable noise level without excessive exposure to the patient from the primary beam or scatter radiation.

Quantum Noise Examples

Exposure 1 (under exposed): 300 MA, 3/10 Sec 80 KV. Note the decrease in quantum noise (image grain) in the image on the right from collimation and lead masking.


Exposure 2 (optimum exposure): 300 MA, 3/5 Sec, 85KV. Note the decrease in quantum noise (image grain) in the image on the right from collimation and lead masking.

Exposure 3 (over exposed): 200 MA, 2 Sec, 85 KV. Note the decrease in quantum noise (image grain) in the image on the right from collimation and lead masking.
Anthropomorphic phantom used measures 25CM; composed of Lucite and simulated bone material.

Excerpted and edited from the web-based edition of
The Physical Principles of Medical Imaging, 2nd Ed. Perry Sprawls, Ph.D.

The lumbar spine/pelvis phantom images were taken at the iCRco factory QC department in Torrance.

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